Kids Fit For The Fall

No PE, no sports, no recess, no free ability for kids to just go play with their friends…
Kids are struggling. Most are not getting enough movement and their physical health is suffering, which also translates to their mental health. Many kids are anxious, may be struggling with depression and may be experiencing high levels of stress as they try to function with remote learning and not being able to see their friends, teachers and coaches. Exercise can help combat these feelings. The importance of physical strength, mental health, stress relief and strengthening our immune system is critical for our youth, now more than ever! Kids need a positive outlet to manage their emotions and to participate in things that make them feel good and feel a sense of accomplishment.
Kids who exercise can experience the following benefits:
- Daily exercise stimulates muscle and bone growth
- Regular physical activity strengthens the heart and lungs
- Fit kids have more energy, sleep better and often have better nutrition habits than kids who are sedentary
- It appears that the academic performance of students who exercised regularly had significantly improved academic performance
- Kids have better concentration, memory, creativity, problem-solving ability and overall mood for up to two hours following exercise
- Exercise can boost a child’s self-confidence and self-image. It also reduces aggression and decreases anxiety and depression.
With Halloween on the horizon and many suggesting we avoid the traditional Trick or Treat festivities, now kids may consume the sugar without even walking through the neighborhood. We need a plan for the Fall.
Scary Run may be your answer
This year, the event has gone virtual so you can participate in the event anywhere with your family between October 24th – November 1st. Your family could dress up in costume and make it a fun, active, festive way to celebrate Halloween. The best part is the event is FREE to kids 12 and under and 50% off for 13-17 years. There is a 5K, 10K or Half Marathon option and the 5K or 10K is perfect for kids. It’s important to note that you don’t need to run – you could just walk or a run/walk may be more manageable for kids.
Spend the next couple weeks walking before your kids start school in the morning or after dinner and building up your distance. If you want to incorporate running, start with 1 minute of running coupled with walking and build from there.
You can even have your kids do a quick walking/running energy break during lunch or recess breaks in between classes to help them train for the event. If your kids have a small pod of friends they have been hanging out with during the global pandemic, do it together which will make it a lot more fun. Register your kids and your family!
If the event doesn’t work for you, consider hosting your own active Halloween-themed scavenger hunt or scary obstacle course.
Our kids need us to create opportunities to help them thrive during these challenging times.
Yours in health & fitness,
Sherri McMillan
Note: As an avid Columbian reader, you can redeem a complimentary initial in person or virtual personal training appointment to help get you started. Email us for more details.
We Are Open!
Northwest Personal Training is NOW OPEN! We are SO EXCITED to see you! For Private Training, you’ll have the option to continue doing virtual training, outdoor training or training at the studio. For Group Fitness classes, you will be able to continue doing virtual online classes (live or saved) and we are also going to host some outdoor programming.
We specific safety precautions that we have in place so please watch this video where I explain everything we are doing to keep you safe.
Here is a link to our Reopening Protocol in detail so you can review closely.