Author: Staff

GOP chair says “Thanks, Vancouver”

The forest of campaign signs on 6th Street is gone. So are the crowds that packed last week's state Republican Party Convention at the Hilton Vancouver Washington. But GOP Chairman […]

All politics is local, and, according to blogger, subject to ridicule

If real news stories about local politics have you shaking your head, you might get a laugh out of Relax, everyone. It’s called satire, and, judging from the The Daily […]

Obama images over the top?

At least one Vancouver resident was appalled at the "Impeach Obama" signs that sprouted on street corners around downtown during the GOP Convention last week showing President Barack Obama sporting […]

Endorsements pick up steam

With the primary election now two months away, candidates are eager to publicize their endorsement and other assorted statements of support. Here's what the latest mail brought in: Third Congressional […]

Commissioner challenger dislikes tolls, questions fees

Vancouver resident Alan Svehaug, 57, couldn’t be reached after he filed June 11 to run against Clark County Commissioner Steve Stuart. A press release later issued on his behalf described […]

Ten candidates go unopposed

Filing week is over. And for 10 candidates, so is the election season. Not surprisingly, judges dominate the list of unopposed, as they are rarely challenged. The unchallenged also include 15th Legislative […]

Partying with Mitt

Who wants to stay indoors debating platform planks and tedious resolutions on the first warm sunny day in weeks? Not a select group of Republicans, including Clark County state […]

Didier leaves convention to confab with Palin

Senate candidate Clint Didier - he of the Sarah Palin Twitter endorsement - left the Washington State Republican convention unexpectedly today when his digital patron herself made a stop in […]

Patriots may score first Rossi-Didier debate

The Republicans are in town -- 2,000 or more of them, filling the city's hotels and meeting rooms at the Hilton. It's a big deal for the party, and […]

Ongoing dispute prompts Horowitz to run

Retired Vancouver accountant and consultant David Horowitz hadn't publicly announced his decision to run for Clark County Assessor, so his filing on Tuesday came as a surprise. Horowitz, 64, said he […]

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