Paleo in a Pinch
It was nearly a year ago, when my husband and I ran a Marathon only to find by the time we reached the finish line, neither of us was pleased with our own physique. You’d think after logging 40+ miles on a weekly basis, you’d be crushing in the 6-pack department. Wrong. We knew we needed a change.
Being in our early 30’s, we felt it was time to treat our bones to Weight Lifting. We were crazy enough to give CrossFit a try. Week after week, we limped ourselves back to the gym. A month into our sadistic fitness journey we were offered a Paleo Challenge. WHAT?!? Go without Bread? Go without Milk? NEVER! But our competitive side won us over and thus our Paleo family was born.
We found it was very easy to cut Grain and Dairy out of our diet. We both felt better. We ran faster. We lifted stronger. And our kids made fun. Until…..they realized, they “kind of – sort of – just don’t tell my friends” – liked Paleo too.
You see, we’re all up against the mighty machine ~ the Food Industry; who tells us that fast, cheap processed food is the way to go. WRONG. Food is fuel for your body. You can fuel on Crap, or you can fuel on Crops. I’d take Crops over Crap any day!
I’d love for you to follow my ‘Paleo in a Pinch’ Blog & FaceBook page ~ let me show you how easy it is to fuel your body, so you can perform and feel your best. I don’t claim to be a scientist or a nutritionist ~ if you have questions on the science behind a Paleo lifestyle, I encourage you to read Robb Wolfs book ‘The Paleo Solution’. What I will claim ~ I have an awesome husband and in the last 14 years, we’ve created 4 businesses in Real Estate and 3 wonderful kids. Amongst the chaos of the world, we have kept our sanity by putting our health & nutrition as a top priority. Eating Paleo, along with a healthy dose of CrossFit, has landed us in the best shape of our lives.
I know there are mega people out there, dying to bust out of their shells and regain their lives. Come on…. jump on this train with me. What have you got to lose?
I hope you enjoy Paleo in a Pinch ~ be inspired, be encouraged.