Curious about what’ “A Loaf of Bread, a Glass of Wine and Candles” is all about? It’s about romance, my friends, it’s all about food and romance. I’m a local romance writer who always makes sure her novels include tempting meals, picnics for two in the park and…I’m forgetting something…what else? Oh, yeah, chocolate. How could I forget chocolate?

Romance and food is a combination that’s fun to write about and, I hope, read about. So, every Tuesday and Friday, I’ll be blogging about the subject here on the Columbian website. On Tuesdays it’ll be about whatever has caught my eye—a great website, a quirky fact about food, music to set the scene for a romantic dinner for two. On Fridays, it’ll be my ideas for a weekend treat.

Join me every week. Let me know what you think. And if there’s something you’d like to see, let me know. Until Friday, then.

Oh, almost forgot today’s romantic food fact. How better to launch the blog, than write about chocolate. Want to know why chocolate is considered a romantic food? Well, it releases endorphins, which are the body’s feel-good neurotransmitters. The same endorphins that give you a runner’s high. And without any shin splints or muscle cramps.

Cacao beans, from which chocolate is made, was native to Mesoamerica and didn’t get to Europe until the late sixteenth/early seventeenth centuries. It makes me wonder. Until Columbus bumped into the new world, what kind of last minute anniversary presents did people give?

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