Prosecco Grapesicles

Counting down the minutes to 2021! Just in time for the last blast of the year, here are a few foods to have on hand to be sure you get the best luck possible. Kick things off with these fun and easy Prosecco Grapesicles. Eating 12 grapes at midnight on New Year’s Eve is both a tradition and a superstition in Spain and these boozy frozen treats are just what you need to inspire some good vibes. The twelve grapes of luck is the Spanish tradition of eating one grape with each clock strike at midnight on December 31. Each of the twelve grapes symbolizes one month, which according to tradition, leads to a year of good luck and prosperity. While boozy grapes definitely put a 2020 spin on the Spanish tradition, save the frozen ones for eating more slowly and keep some unfrozen ones to eat in rapid succession as the Spanish do. The recipe below has actual measurements for the alcohol, but given the past year, I recommend just grabbing the biggest bottle you can find and pouring.
Here are 10 foods sure to bring about good luck. You’re already lucky, because you can find quite a few of them right in your pantry. After the year that we have all just had, I will be serving every one of them.
- Salmon: because fish swim forward they represent progress and are considered a lucky food. Salmon also swim in schools, symbolizing prosperity.
- Collards and/or cabbage: collards are good luck in Southern traditions, but any greens are considered lucky because they are the color of money. Cabbage is particularly lucky in Germany and Ireland.
- Pork: pigs signify progress because they are always moving forward.
- Pomegranate: represents fertility and abundance. In Greece, the whole fruit is thrown across the floor to release a shower of seeds.
- Ring shaped cake: any cake that’s made in the shape of a ring signifies a “full circle” of luck for the year ahead. Grab your bundt pans and go! (Bacardi cake, here I come.)
- Cornbread: a Southern saying when it comes to lucky foods: “Peas for pennies, greens for dollars, and cornbread for gold.” Serve with melted butter and golden honey.
- Black Eyed Peas: Hoppin’ John, a Southern dish of rice, black-eyed peas, smoked pork and greens.
- Oranges: in China, citrus is given at the New Year as a sign of prosperity.
- Champagne: drinking champagne on January 1 is symbolic of wealth and can bring you prosperity in the new year.
- Honey: to ensure sweetness for the coming year, a tradition that dates back to Roman times.
Cheers to 2021. Stay in, stay safe and count your blessings. Wishing you hope, joy and good health, and here’s to a much better year.
Prosecco Grapesicles
- 1 pound red and green grapes
- 15 wooden skewers
- 1/2 bottle Prosecco or other bubbly
- 1 cup vodka
Skewer grapes onto wooden skewers alternating red and green colors. Place skewers in a shallow baking dish. Pour prosecco and vodka over all and transfer to refrigerator. Let soak for 1 hour. Drain and reserve alcohol for cocktails. Transfer skewers to a parchment lined baking sheet and freeze until frozen, about 2 hours more.