Aimen Flemens of Mark Morris tops 2A Greater St. Helens League boys wrestling all-league team

All-league team as selected by league coaches:

Wrestler of the year: Aimen Flemens, sr., Mark Morris


Henry Logan, so., 106, Washougal

Zayne Martin, fr., 113, Ridgefield

Mathis Johns, so., 120, Woodland

Cesar Solorio, jr., 126, Ridgefield

Liam McKee, jr., 132, Hockinson

Lance Draper, jr., 138, Ridgefield

Jacob McKee, sr., 144, Hockinson

Wyatt Carter, so., 150, Hockinson

Ben Johansen, jr., 157, Washougal

Aimen Flemens, sr., 165, Mark Morris

Jacob Koch, jr., 175, Ridgefield

Garrett Lees, jr., 190, Washougal

Michael Camp, jr., 215, Washougal

Logan Busig, sr., 285, Woodland


Colin Richardson, fr., 106, Hockinson; Aidan Deeney, jr., 113, Columbia River; Merek Rickard, sr., 120, Woodland; Connor Liebfried, sr., 126, Hockinson; Austin Wallace, so., 132, Hockinson; Jack Givens, jr., 138, Columbia River; Nolan Carney, so., 144, Ridgefield; Kellen Bashaw, jr., 150, Columbia River; Marcellus Arevalo, jr., 157, Woodland; Landon Draper, sr., 165, Ridgefield; Evan Elliott, sr., 175, Washougal; Jasper Armstrong, sr., 190, Hockinson; Isaias Antonio, sr., 215, Hudson’s Bay; Lutalo Quinn, sr., 285, Hudson’s Bay.

Coach of the year: Brandon Redeau, Hockinson.

Assistant coaching staff of year: Hockinson.

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