Central 2B League South Division girls soccer all-league team

All-league team as selected by league coaches:
Overall MVP: Callie Lawrence, sr., Onalaska
Offensive MVP: Marina Smith, sr., Toledo
Defensive MVP: Brooke Milohov, sr., Kalama
Alex Cleveland Barerra, sr., GK, Onalaska
Haliegh Swofford, sr., FWD, Toutle Lake
Brooklyn Sandridge, jr., FWD, Onalaska
Kailey Shipley, sr., FWD, Kalama
Rose Dillon, sr., MID, Toledo
Sophie Given, jr., MID, Kalama
Josie Brandenburg, so., MID, Kalama
Jaycee Taller, so., DEF, Onalaska
Ava Beck, sr., DEF, Kalama
Breckin Anderson, jr., DEF, Stevenson.
Locals only: Aria Obias, fr., mid, Stevenson; Elyse DiCristina, jr., def, Kalama.
Coach of the year: Courtney Moore, Toutle Lake