Piper Rylander of Columbia River tops 2A Greater St. Helens League girls tennis all-league team

All-league team as selected by league coaches:
Singles player of the year: Piper Rylander, sr., Columbia River
Doubles team of the year: Lauren Dreves, fr./Ali Dreves, sr., Columbia River
Ari Domniti, jr., Columbia River
Grace Gama, so., Ridgefield
Samantha Klopman, sr., Washougal
Skylar Bea, sr./Taylor Gibbons, sr., Washougal
Lillie Mueller, sr./Grace Pool, sr., Hockinson
Grace Rudi, jr./Maddie Sheron, sr., Columbia River
Singles: Madison Dyer, sr., Hockinson; Merritt Jones, sr., Washougal; Ella Meier, sr., Hockinson.
Doubles: Nina Albrecht, sr./Queen Truong, sr., Fort Vancouver; Elizabeth Lewis, sr./Charlotte Baker, Washougal; Taylor Wilkinson, jr./Ellie Weber, jr., Mark Morris.
Coach of the year: Angela Watts, Washougal