3A Greater St. Helens League football all-league team

Co-offensive players of the year: Jack Mertens, sr., Mountain View; Garrett Moen, sr., Mountain View
Co-defensive players of the year: Andrew Gulliford, sr., Mountain View; Riley Noah, sr., Kelso
AJ Dixson, jr., QB, Prairie
Josh Webb, jr., RB, Kelso
Eli Vaa-Leiataua, sr., RB, Evergreen
Riley Noah, sr., WR, Kelso
Makai Anderson, sr., WR, Mountain View
Nolan Mickenham, sr., WR, Prairie
Rodolfo Montiel, sr., TE, Mountain View
Todd Johanson, sr., OL, Kelso
Andrew Remlinger, sr., OL, Mountain View
Kobe Anderson, sr., OL, Mountain View
Kevin Munoz, sr., OL, Evergreen
Logan DeGrandpre, sr., OL, Hudson’s Bay
Eli Del Angel, so., K, Evergreen
Carter Morse, sr., AP, Hudson’s Bay
Andrew Remlinger, sr., DL, Mountain View
Todd Johanson, sr., DL, Kelso
Derek Barnes, jr., DL, Hudson’s Bay
Thai Hindman, sr., DL, Mountain View
Kobe Anderson, sr., LB, Mountain View
Akilotoa Kaumatule, sr., LB, Hudson’s Bay
Josh Webb, sr., LB, Kelso
Seth Sutherby, jr., LB, Kelso
Michael Bolds, sr., DB, Mountain View
Nolan Mickenham, sr., DB, Prairie
Makai Anderson, sr., Mountain View
Philip Earnhardt, sr., DB, Mountain View
Taylor Lawhead, sr., P, Prairie
QB: Marshall Coleman, jr., Kelso; RB: Akilotoa Kaumatule, sr., Hudson’s Bay; Bret McGuire, sr., Prairie; WR: Zyell Griffin, jr., Evergreen; Treyce Teague, jr., Hudson’s Bay; Philip Earnhardt, sr., Mountain View; Anthony Wilhite, sr., Fort Vancouver; OL: McKinley Franklin, sr., Kelso; Justin Lufkin-Quant, sr., Mountain View; Conner Rogers, sr., Prairie; Stephen Williams, sr., Kelso; Preston Collins, jr., Mountain View; PK: Aiden Hargrove, sr., Mountain View; AP: Zyell Griffin, jr., Evergreen
DL: Mason Hadaller, sr., Kelso; Jacob Leckie, sr., Evergreen; Devante Clayton, jr., Prairie; Bobby Shepard, sr., Mountain View; Easton Lane, so., Prairie; LB: Jake Clark, sr., Prairie; Colton Drake, sr., Mountain View; Trent Hemann, sr., Evergreen; Zack Wright, sr., Prairie; DB: Marshall Coleman, jr., Kelso; Bryce Cordon, sr., Prairie; Jaylen Fite, so., Evergreen; Jordan Cook, sr., Mountain View; P: Carter Morse, sr., Hudson’s Bay.
Co-coach of the year: Adam Mathieson, Mountain View.