4A Greater St. Helens League girls track and field all-league team

Emma Jenkins of Camas lead the pack for several laps of the 4A girls 3200 meter run at the state 2A, 3A, 4A Track & Field Championships held at Mt. Tahoma High School in Tacoma, May 26, 2018. Then she fell to fourth place in the last laps.
Track athlete of the year: Emma Jenkins, Camas
Field athlete of the year: Madison Peffers, Camas; Maggie Wells, Camas
Logan Nelson, 100, Union
Logan Nelson 200, Union
Brooklyn Jackson, 400, Union
Krystal Kaufman, 800, Skyview
Emma Jenkins, 1600, Camas
Emma Jenkins, 3200, Camas
Lucy George, 100H, Camas
Lucy George, 300H, Camas
Lucy George, HJ, Skyview
Anna Bedont, PV, Camas
Lexie Klinkhammer, LJ, Heritage
Elizabeth Vanina, TJ, Heritage
Maggie Wells, SP, Camas
Maggie Wells, DIS, Camas
Lexi Raymore, JAV, Union
Brinley Jackson, 100-200, Union; Ellie Postma, 400, Camas; Presley Timmons, 800, Skyview; Krystal Kaufman, 1600, Skyview; Madison Child, 3200, Camas; Olivia Green, 100H, Skyview; Annaliese Ward, 300H, Union; Rebecca Knight, HJ, Camas; Madi Schalk, HJ, Union; Andy Scalberg, PV, Union; Lucy George, LJ, Camas; Emily Mattsen, TJ, Heritage; Genina Carey, SP, Union; Lexi Raymore, DIS, Union; Katie Penueta, JAV, Heritage.
Coach of the year: Steven Moore, Union