2A Greater St. Helens League girls cross country all-league team

Amelia Pullen ran away with the district championship for the Washougal girls cross country team Saturday, on the Lewis River Golf Course in Woodland. She won with a time of 18:30 and broke the course record by 50 seconds.
Outstanding runner of the year: Amelia Pullen, Washougal
Allyson Peterson, fr., Hockinson
McKenna Flanagan, sr., Woodland
Meryl Keeler, fr., Washougal
Hailey Figueras, sr., Ridgefield
Jane Kuebrich, so., Ridgefield
Natalie Biddix, sr., Woodland
Julia Zora, jr., Hockinson
Ellie Furth, sr., Columbia River; Abby Orman, jr., Hockinson; Kierla Yates, jr., R.A. Long; Megan Slind, sr., Mark Morris; Taylor Kopp, fr., Hockinson; Ashley Vega, jr., Ridgefield; Adyson Dyer, jr., Hockinson
Grace Goode, fr., Ridgefield; Hanna Dyer, jr., Columbia River; Alexis Maniscalco, sr., Washougal
Coach of the year: Rebecca Ferguson, Hockinson