Camas pride inches closer to a rival


Hmmmmmm. Very interesting.

On Wednesday, I spotted a Camas Pride banner on SE 1st Street. Wait a minute. It wasn’t on 1st Street. It was on NW Lake Road.

There is a difference, of course. Lake Road is in Camas, while 1st Street is still Vancouver. But it is difficult to tell the difference because the actual street/road is the same surface. Not even a turn. Driving along 1st Street, and then boom, it’s Lake Road.

Why is this a big deal?

It’s not a huge deal but it is interesting to see the Big Camas “C”  just 300 yards away from NW Friberg Street. Friberg Street is a Camas address, too. However all the land west of Friberg Street, I’m told, is Vancouver. Oh, and all the land west of Friberg Street at this particular location is Union High School.

So, yes, a Camas Pride banner is roughly 300 yards away from Union High School’s turf. Probably 500 or 600 yards from the actual school.

To be fair, I’ve been told there are 12 such banners around Camas, most located at entrances to the city.

The signs look cool, and it’s another example of how the students at Camas High School love representing more than just their school but their city, too.

It’s not their fault their city brushes up so closely to rival Union High School.


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