Camas’ Clarkson on the UW recruiting radar

It looks like Drew Clarkson was a big hit in Seattle when the Huskies opened their football season with a victory over Boise State. The senior lineman from Camas, who was in town for an unofficial recruiting visit, got a lot of attention from

The site that features University of Washington sports made contact with Clarkson.

“The stadium is amazing, and the game was great, and the crowd was electric,” Clarkson told the site.

Clarkson said he has one official visit scheduled so far: California on Sept. 14.

Clarkson told that he plans to take his other “official” visits to schools that he has to fly to, and “unofficial” visits to Seattle and Corvallis, places he and his family can drive to easily.

The Columbian featured Clarkson and his battle against testicular cancer last month.

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