
CDC issues guidelines for opioid prescribing

The number of opioids being prescribed and sold in the U.S. has quadrupled since 1999. In 2013, health care providers wrote 249 million opioid pain medication prescriptions – enough for every […]

Poll: Affording prescriptions is doable but difficult for sick people

Most people say they can afford their prescription drugs, but many say coming up with the money to pay for them is difficult. The August Kaiser Health Tracking Poll found that […]

Insured but can’t afford medical care

Twenty-five percent of adults who purchased health plans last year went without needed medical care because they couldn’t afford it. A report released Thursday by Families USA revealed that those who […]

College students admit prescription drug abuse

One in five college students admit to abusing prescription stimulants at least once in their lives – a rate higher than non-students. The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids conducted a nationally represented […]

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