Author: Staff

Super-sized portions

Portion sizes in the U.S. are growing along with Americans' waistlines. A trip to any nearby fast-food restaurant provides plenty of evidence. In the 1950s, a burger and fries meal included […]

Slimmed-down Slurpees

For years, 7-Eleven has fielded calls from customers requesting one thing: diet Slurpees. Well, this month, the convenience store made countless Slurpee fanatics happy. Introducing Slurpee Lite: The newest flavor, Slurpee Lite Fanta […]

Smoke-free films?

Eliminate smoking in youth-rated movies. That’s the message Washington Attorney General Rob McKenna and 37 other state and territorial attorneys general are sending to movie studio executives. The attorneys general sent […]

HBO confronts obesity epidemic

America is facing an obesity epidemic. Two-thirds of American adults and one-third of children are overweight or obese. By 2030, experts predict 42 percent of Americans will be obese. HBO has partnered […]

The White House & junk food photo ops

It’s time for President Obama and the first family to ditch the junk food in photo ops. At least that’s the opinion of the Washington, D.C.-based Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. The […]

Doctors have beef with Golden Arches

Big Macs, French fries and McFlurries will be on the menu at the London Olympics. The London Olympics named McDonald’s an official sponsor of the games, a move that prompted push-back […]

Weight of the Nation

If Americans continue to gain weight at the current pace, 42 percent of the population will be obese by 2030. Think about that for a minute: 42 percent. Nearly half of […]

Taking organ donor status to Facebook

Relationship statuses. Reading lists. Posthumous wishes? The social network giant, Facebook, announced on Tuesday it now allows its users to share their organ donor status on their timeline profile. Here’s an excerpt […]

Kids and cigarette packages

It’s really bright colors, and I think it would be quite fun to play with. It looks girly. I just like it. It makes you feel like you’re in a wonderland of […]

Chewing in baseball

There may not be crying in baseball, but there is chew. A new collective bargaining agreement, however, will at least reduce the visibility of smokeless tobacco to young fans. While smokeless tobacco […]

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