Greg Jayne

On God And Sports

In case you missed it: Terrific column from Matt Calkins last week about the role of God in sporting events. Some snippets: But even the densest among us know that God […]

Greatest Guitar Riffs

And now for today's musical interlude: Spinner has selected the 50 greatest guitar riffs in rock. Flaw: Only one riff per band, presumably to prevent Led Zeppelin from having 30 or […]

Reviews Are In For Matthew Knight Arena

TV viewers, apparently, have a problem with Oregon's new basketball court. But it might not be the problem you expected. The signature feature of Matthew Knight Arena is the "deep in […]

A Yard, A Yard, My Kingdom For 1 Yard

You can argue whether Michael Dyer was down and you can insist that Oregon needs more beef (both ideas have some merit), but the real issue for the Ducks in […]

Oregon Was Outnumbered In The Title Game

In retrospect, it's a wonder Oregon even bothered to show up for the BCS title game. I mean, the Ducks had no chance, did they? . . . After the game, […]

The Legacy Of LeBron James

Had a column Saturday about LeBron James, arguing that he has forfeited any opportunity to be considered the greatest player of all-time. Judging by the comments on the story, most […]

Bonus Points For Originality

From the revenge-is-sweet file: Ohio State president says TCU plays "Little Sisters of the Poor." TCU beats Wisconsin in Rose Bowl. TCU heckles Ohio State. […]

Oregon vs. Auburn, Part III: Revenge Of The Power Ballad

The deciding factor in the BCS championship game? It just might come down to this: Oregon has a power ballad. Yes, Oregon has a power ballad, thanks to the Jimmy Fallon […]

Once In A Lifetime

Forty years ago today, the Washington Generals beat the Harlem Globetrotters. Here's the story, from Joe Posnanski. […]

What Makes Wesley Matthews Tick?

In case you missed it, a very nice piece of writing and reporting from Blazers reporter Matt Calkins can be found here. Matt wrote an in-depth profile of Wesley Matthews, […]

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