Greg Jayne

County Decision Makes No Sense

So, let's get this straight. The Clark County commissioners want to make sure that the Yakima Bears aren't playing them for the fools. They don't want the team's owners to […]

Track And Field Rocks

One of the great things about covering the state track and field meet is that there's always something good to write about. At least there is if you're covering Clark […]

Kara Patterson Is On An Internet Near You

Vancouver Olympian Kara Patterson now has a blog on the U.S. Olympic team's Web site. That would automatically raise the friendly/upbeat/funny quotient for any Web site. In her latest post, Kara […]

Which Northwest Sports Figures Are Statue-Worthy?

Interesting topic on The Bald Faced Truth: Which Northwest sports icons are statue-worthy? If you put up one statue in front of the Rose Garden or Husky Stadium or Safeco […]

Blazers Eliminated By Mavs

Random thoughts on the Blazers' 4-2 series loss to Dallas: — More than anything, the series gave me an appreciation of how great Dirk Nowitzki is. Not only is he a […]

Did The Cubs Throw The World Series? Would It Have Mattered?

According to this story, there is evidence that the Chicago Cubs threw the 1918 World Series against the Boston Red Sox — the year before the infamous Black Sox. Well, […]

At Least The Blazers Have This Going For Them

To believe the stories out of Dallas, the Blazers' most valuable person tonight will be lead official Danny Crawford. ESPN reports that the Mavericks are 2-16 in playoff games refereed by […]

Yo Poophead

My favorite e-mail came with the subject line, "Yo Poophead." It then went on to say, "I know why your article on DiMaggio's streak was on page five. It stunk! . […]

NFL QB Talks About Drug Addiction

Interesting story about NFL quarterback Erik Ainge, a first-person account of his years of drug and alcohol abuse. The amazing thing is that Ainge went so long without somebody insisting that […]

To Guard Or Not To Guard?

Interesting debate about the Blazers' game-winning lob against the Spurs: Do you or don't you guard the guy inbounding the ball? In case you've been in a coma the past 24 […]

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