Gardening with Allen

Flowers for Containers

We are now just past our average last frost date, so we can plant just about anything.  In selecting flowers for containers, check labels for sun and shade requirements. Most sun […]

Perennial Flowers with a long blooming period

Question: In your recent newsletter you mention perennial flowers with a long bloom period. Could you share the names of some of your favorites? Answer: Some of my readers have discovered […]

Plant Vegetables From Seed

In recent years the trend has been to plant vegetables from started plants. That is a fine way to plant many vegetables. However, you can save money and often have […]

Reduce the size of overgrown shrubs

Question: In your recent column about overgrown shrubs why didn't you address the man's question? He was asking if he could restore the shape of topiary, not asking about replacing […]

Replacing overgrown shrubs

Question: I recently bought a home with a mature landscape that I do not like. The shrubs have been sheared so they are all round balls or boxy hedges. Some […]

Spring Shrub Pruning

Question: I have shrubs which have become overgrown and need to be pruned. I have been told there are some shrubs which should not be pruned in the spring. What […]

Apply Dormant Oil to Reduce Insect Pests

Damage from many leaf feeding insects can be reduced by applying a dormant oil spray to the bark of trees and shrubs during the winter dormant season. The caterpillars you […]

Organic Gardening is Thriving

Organic gardening is expanding and becoming more popular as more and more organic approaches are available. The essence of organic gardening is to use natural, organic materials rather than chemicals […]

Start Plants Inside with Grow Lights

It is not hard to start your own plants inside if you have a greenhouse or have some grow lights. Although it is possible to start a few plants in […]

Good Time to Prune Fruit Trees

February and March is an excellent time to prune fruit trees. Yearly pruning is important in developing fruit trees which produce fruit where is easily harvested. For many fruit trees […]

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