Gardening with Allen
Strawberry Runner Plants
Help, I am being overwhelmed by strawberry runner plants and I don’t know what to do with all of them. I planted a strawberry patch 3 years ago and it […]
Summer Shrub Pruning
Question: My shrubs have become irregular in shape. Is this a good time to prune them? A neighbor said I should wait until fall. Do I need to wait until […]
Line Trimmers Can Damage Trees
One of the more popular uses of line trimmers is to trim grass and weeds growing around trees. An occasional use around a well established tree probably does little damage. […]
Time to Irrigate
With the exception of newly planted plants, I have not had to irrigate until this week of hot weather. Even now there is still moisture in the soil available for […]
Lawn Mowing Height
Question: How often should I mow my lawn? My neighbor lets his lawn grow up to about 3 inches and then whacks it back to less than an inch. Isn’t […]
Control worms in cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower
You may have noticed those little white moths flying around your cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and related vegetables. Or you may have noticed holes in some of the leaves. The moths lay […]
Spray and thin apple trees now
If you want apples without worm holes, regular biweekly spraying with a fruit tree spray is necessary. If you do not have a lot of untreated apple trees nearby, you […]
Remove water sprouts from fruit trees
June is a critical time to remove those fast growing vertical sprouts that occur after trees are pruned in the fall, winter, or early spring. This is particularly true for […]
Prune azaleas and rhododendrons right after bloom
Azaleas and Rhododendrons set new flower buds for next spring starting in mid to late summer. By pruning soon, you will have maximum bloom next year. You have probably noticed […]
How to Prune Lilacs
Lilacs grow so vigorously in the Pacific Northwest that they eventually become trees instead of shrubs. June is the time to prune lilacs. If you would like to turn your […]