
Pick up leaves with your lawn mower

If there are a lot of big trees around your lawn, you know that it is difficult to keep the leaves picked up this time of year. As soon as […]

Plant Bulbs in Pots for Indoor Bloom

Besides planting bulbs outside this time of year, you can also plant them in pots or other containers for bloom this fall and winter inside your home. Most bulbs need […]

Fall Weed Control

Fall is an ideal time to control weeds because they are actively sending food to their roots for storage. The weed killer gets translocated clear to the roots along with […]

Late Blooming Annual Flowers

In late September two annual flowers stand out for their late season performance: begonias and impatiens. Beds and baskets are still in full bloom. Others, like marigolds and geraniums still […]

Adjust Automatic Sprinkler Systems

The hot weather in late August and early September made it necessary to increase the amount of irrigation needed to keep lawns green. Almost overnight plant water needs are decreasing […]

Fall Lawn Fertilization

September, October and November are the best months for fall lawn fertilization. When you fertilize during this time period depends upon the condition of your lawn. If you have not […]

Garden Memories

My garden is the threads of the fabric of my life. Just outside the back door is a Peace rose planted in the early 60’s. It was transplanted lovingly by […]

Vegetables for Fall and Winter Harvest

Two readers have recently asked me what vegetable seeds could be planted now for fall and winter harvest. I wrote a blog in mid July about fall vegetable planting. Many […]

Landscape Remodeling

The main problem with most mature landscapes is overgrown shrubs which no longer enhance your home. They may have been sheared so they are all round balls or boxy hedges. […]

Fertilize flowers and vegetables

Most flower and vegetable varieties have been selected and developed to do best with high fertility. I normally make a second fertilizer application about the first of August. Many of […]

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