Our New Gardening Blog

We have posted several blogs about current gardening information in the first few days of our new gardening blog. In addition to current gardening topics we will be writing about new ideas in gardening (not necessarily brand new, but different or unusual approaches to gardening).
You will read plenty about pruning because it is one of the most poorly performed practices in gardening. We will include humorous and interesting gardening stories.
We will include answers to your gardening questions and links to other gardening sites where you can find additional information.
We would like to have lots of feed-back from readers. Tell us what you think about what we have written. Send in your garden questions. Do you have other approaches or techniques which you can suggest? You are invited to write your own blog on gardening topics you like. Whether you are an avid gardener or a home owner who would like to have a pretty landscape, or even if you hate gardening, please join in the conversation.

Allen and Loretta

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