Farewell Fatso!

Training for life

The other day I was completing a fitness evaluation that asked if I was training for an event. My answer, "Life." I understand the question was meant to determine if […]

Small things

Often overlooked and less celebrated are small things. Small things are the foundation for big things. Without small things, well, big things can't happen. Seems to me celebrating the […]

# 2

Oh, New Seasons Market how I love thee. Let me count the ways... January: Fisher's Landing store purchased and put "Bringing Cooking Back," on their shelves. February: […]


Found: The gal with the go get it spirit at the gym. She's been spotted at: Northwest Personal Training, 24 Hour Fitness Columbia Tech, walking the hilly Mt.Tabor Park, and […]

I highly recommend…

......Oven Roasted Mini Sweet Peppers. Oh my goodness. I made some for dinner last night and all I can say is umm, umm, umm. Insanely delicious. Roasting intensifies the sweetness. […]

Hey, you! There’s no food in your grocery cart

I cringe when I'm grocery shopping and I peek in someone's cart to find an assortment of packaged so-called food - CRAP. The sad part is I'm almost certain the […]

Hey, you! There's no food in your grocery cart

I cringe when I'm grocery shopping and I peek in someone's cart to find an assortment of packaged so-called food - CRAP. The sad part is I'm almost certain the […]


Doubts. Replaced. Fears. Erased. After my tibia was fractured last year I had moments of doubt. Being injured is scary. I was doubtful, fearful. Heck, I was hit by a […]

Retrain your brain

Eat a meal that doesn't consist of meat, by choice. Never. Brown rice instead of sticky white rice. Seriously. Greens and eggs for breakfast. Nope. It's been a long […]

March Mellow

After a fabulous, but busy February, I'm going to mellow it out in March. I've been out and about in the community spreading my love for good wholesome food, sharing […]

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