Farewell Fatso!

Recipe Wednesday: Cool Fruit Soup

With pit fruit in peak season and in the midst of hot summer days, this week's recipe from the Soup & Salad section is sure to please. Shop, Cook, Eat: Outside […]

Clark College: Outside of the Box

Several months ago, Veronica Brock, Health instructor from Clark College contacted me asking about ways to incorporate recipe ideas into the curriculum. Our little phone conversation has led to me […]

Recipe Wednesday: Greek Quinoa Bowl

Woo hoo! On August 27th my second cookbook will hit the shelves. I'd rather not celebrate alone, so for the month of August together let's celebrate the release of Shop, […]

Forward movement and change

This re-post seems fitting...Deep into production of my upcoming cookbook, Shop, Cook, Eat: Outside of the Box, I had to make a difficult change. A decision. For a myriad of […]

Do You

This post was originally written about two weeks after Farewell Fatso! made it's debut. Just think if I would've listened to the person who was trying to give me advice... […]

The Inauguration

Wow. Whoa. What a turnout! Last night, I facilitated the inaugural "5 or 50” Women's Sustainable Weight Loss & Lifestyle group at the Cascade Park Community Library. 25 ladies showed […]

Inside out

My self-transformation and weight loss journey began with a walk. For weeks, prior, I was drowning my sorrows and escaping from my fears by sleeping the days and nights away. […]

Repost: Small things

Often overlooked and less celebrated are small things. Small things are the foundation for big things. Without small things, well, big things can't happen. Seems to me celebrating the […]

Be encouraged

Many of you have written to me to tell me I've motivated, inspired, and encouraged you along my journey, thank you. I feel honored to be able to pass on […]

New Women’s Group: “5 or 50”

Proud to announce... New "5 or 50" Women’s Sustainable Weight Loss & Lifestyle Group Wednesday, July 25 6 – 7:30 p.m. Cascade Park Community Library Community Room 600 NE 136th Avenue Vancouver WA 98684 Grab your girlfriend(s) and come […]

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