Author: Chrisetta Mosley

Sneaky like that

As I was making my breakfast the other morning I relished how colorful my plate was. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and since I'm on a […]

PE Flashbacks

It happened. I thought I was beyond it, but there I was in my Exercise Technique class having flashbacks. Flashbacks of being the slowest, last, and fattest girl in PE […]

Out and About

I notice that I move around a lot better now that I'm 170+ lbs. lighter. There were so many things I could't do as an obese person. Some of which […]


As I gaze around my Wellness Coaching class. I see a room full of white, privileged students. I've been in this situation before when I earned my bachelor's degree from […]

Perfect, I am not

I am the best me yet, but in no way am I perfect. Beyond my journey to a healthier, fitter lifestyle. I am confronted with every day life and all […]

Worthy: Fish oil supplements

After reading about the positive benefits of omega-3 fatty acids and realizing that I just don't eat enough fish to reap the benefits. I decided to start taking fish oil […]

Just enough

Now-a-days food portions are out of control. We simply overconsume. A kid's meal, for instance, from a restaurant is actually an adult size serving. We have super-sized ourselves to the […]

Truly, Madly, Deeply

My first week of classes in the fitness trainer program are off to a good start. I'm looking forward to learning lots and making tons of new connections. Speaking of... […]

Doing it

I live by the ubiquitous Nike slogan "Just Do It." I spent quite a bit of my life on the sidelines, but no longer I put things in motion. Gone […]


I've been thinking, and I've come to the conclusion, I don't mind being told no. When someone tells me no it just adds fuel to my already ignited fire. Telling […]

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