Author: Chrisetta Mosley
Sugar: Don't be fooled
It's in everything. It can be masked under all sorts of names. Let's be clear: Sugar is sugar no matter which name they mask it under. Yes, honey and molasses […]
"Food Rules: An Eater's Manual"
Love, love, love this little treasure. I devoured the entire book in about an hour. I swear, this guy took all my thoughts and summed them up perfectly. Ha, ha. Seriously, […]
Healthy Cooking 101: Roasted Vegetables
Yesterday's Healthy Cooking 101 class featuring Roasted Vegetables was my best class to date. Not because there was 27 folks there (surely that helped), but because there was a special […]
What I Preach
Yesterday's blog post was about my need to prioritize. My battle with obesity and creating, living a healthy life comes with all sorts of twists and turns. So I was […]
The other day, my instructor mentioned in class that perhaps we should re-frame our way of thinking. Instead of saying we don't have time to __ we should say I […]
Worthy: Isernio's Chicken Breakfast Sausage
Recently, while grocery shopping I spotted Isernio's Chicken Breakfast Sausage and decided to give them a try. I'm so glad I did. Juicy, flavorful, and a great alternative to pork. […]
Food and Your Health
Super-excited to be learning lots in the Fitness Trainer program. My favorite class this quarter "Food and Your Health" is centered around food. Not because we taste or prepare food […]
I opened my third motivational speech on Friday by holding up my old jumbo jeans. A baby Rhino could easily fit in those jumbo jeans and oh wee they are […]
Touching Lives, Making Connections
I'm so very fortunate to share my weight loss and self-transformation story. It has become so much more than about ME. Never did I imagine the lives I would touch […]
"To Save Our Lives"
Yesterday, Exercise Technique class was all about the pull-up. For some reason, I was so pumped up during the class session. Maybe because I like to see folks get gritty […]