Author: Chrisetta Mosley
Touching Lives, Making Connections
Just three short months ago I stood in front of 12 men at a Men's Breakfast as the featured speaker. I had no idea what I was doing. How I […]
This just seems fitting for today. Here's a repost of a previous blog. Enjoy! Friday, January 28, 2011 Kicking and Screaming By now, you have heard some version or another of my story. […]
The blog has had 15,000 visitors. Yes, 15,000! The numbers just keep ballooning because of YOU. I thank you all for your support from the bottom of my heart. You give […]
Everything I've Gained
Last night as part of my Wellness Coaching assignment, I completed a "Well-Being Assessment." The assessment addressed the importance, readiness, and confidence in each of the following categories: Energy Sleep and Stress […]
Healthy Cooking 101: Pepper Steak served with Quinoa
I'm super-excited to share my passion for good, wholesome food with others. It's awesome to see the response over the last few weeks at my cooking classes. Seems to me […]
My Playhouse
Oh how, I miss my playhouse, the gym. Since I started classes six weeks ago, working out has not been a priority. I think I've worked out maybe four times. […]
I've been fighting the flu for the last couple of days and so far it's winning. Body aching, head pounding, and feeling oh so sorry for self. I started thinking, […]
What a difference a year makes
In the fall of 2009 after a trifecta of unfortunate events I decided to take control of my life. It's been a rewarding, challenging journey. I've said this before, […]
What's for ME
As October comes to a close, I'm encouraged. There were a couple of snags this month, but I've come to learn -- what's for me is for me. I don't […]
"Not Afraid"
When I look at photos of myself as a morbidly obese woman. I don't really even remember being that person. I don't really know how I became that way. Well, […]