As a young girl, out of curiosity I placed my hand on the red burner. Ouch! I quickly learned, a red burner means it’s hot. I never done that again.
As an adult, I was driving down the highway in a new area of town I accidentally took the wrong exit. Oops! I never took that exit again.
Trivial mistakes like those are a part of life. So, are not so trivial mistakes, like my latest. As you know, healthy living is a relatively new concept for me. I’ve been obese the better part of my life (see previous post) so I know all to well how to be inactive and eat unhealthy.
Anyhow, I had been working out and eating healthy for about three years — the best run of my life — when all the sudden my professional life became hectic and I started slipping off of my program. I’m an all or nothing kinda gal so when I wasn’t able to workout I also began making poor food choices. Before I knew it, it had been six months before I seen the inside of a gym and I had an expanded waist line to prove it.
I beat myself up about it. Hung my head some, but such is life (see previous post). I have to learn from it and move on. What I learned: I can’t afford to not workout. I can’t eat what I want when I want. I have to set a routine and stick to it even when life becomes hectic. This is no fad. There are no quick fixes. I’m in it for the long haul. This is a lifestyle.
I’ll never touch a red burner again, I’ll never take that exit off the highway again, and I’ll never travel off my path of healthy lifestyle quite the same again. Mistakes made, lessons learned.