Cat Tales

The Benefits of Elevated Cat Bowls

While not the norm for most healthy cats, in special circumstances, your vet may recommend the use of an elevated cat bowl for YOUR kitty.   Which felines, you may wonder, fit […]

Food Issues and Felines

Has your kitty gone from “pleasingly plump” to frighteningly fat? And if so, why? Does the term “polyphagia” sound familiar? If not, it’s a medical condition that causes a cat to […]

Scabs Here, There, Everywhere

Are unsightly and uncomfortable scabs making YOUR kitty itchy and irritable? If so, what’s causing them? One of the main culprits is miliary dermatitis, where itchy scabs appear on a cat’s […]

Why Do Sleeping Cats Cover Their Faces?

Whatever their purr-ferred position, cats typically sleep with their paws over their faces. While obviously comfortable and undeniably cute, why DO our feline friends cover their faces when they sleep? Here […]

Kitten Finders, Kitten Keepers?

Have you ever been in the position of finding a litter of kittens and wondering what to do next? To keep or not to keep, that is the question. Here, then, […]

Fading Kitten Syndrome and Fostered Kittens

With the arrival of spring comes the birth of millions of newborn kittens, the majority of them born to feral cats living outdoors. Fortunately, however, most of these kittens will […]

The Purr-fect Way to Greet Your New Kitty

Since cats are both predators and prey, they are programmed to perpetually assess their environment. As creatures of habit, territorial and tenacious, they must feel safe rather than sorry before […]

Why Do Cats Hate Water?

It’s a question posed by puzzled cat parents everywhere: Do our feline friends truly HATE water?   According to most animal behaviorists and scientists, the answer is more complicated than a simple […]

Cerebellar Hypoplasia in Cats

Feline cerebellar hypoplasia, familiarly called wobbly cat syndrome, is a neurological disorder that occurs when the cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls coordination, doesn’t fully develop while kittens […]

Cat Noses: Wet vs Dry

Although many owners believe that an extremely dry or wet cat nose is indicative of illness, nothing could be further from the truth. Not only are some cats’ noses naturally drier […]

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