Cat Tales
Laser Pointers: Paws Up or Down?
Pet parents find that cats of all ages -- from playful kittens to sedentary seniors -- will often engage in laser pointer play, stimulating them and encouraging them to be […]
Polydactyl Cats
Cats with extra toes are called polydactyls, a name derived from two Greek words: “poly” meaning “many” and “daktylos” meaning “digits”. While the majority of cats have 18 toes, with […]
Cats and Coprophagia
Coprophagia is the act of eating and ingesting feces. Although far more common in dogs, it does appear occasionally in cats. There are times when eating feces is part of […]
Cats As Blood Donors
What do ailing people and ailing animals often have in common? The need for life-saving blood transfusions. And when it comes to pet transfusions, it can be particularly difficult to find […]
Can Cats Come When Called?
Does your cat come to you when you call her name? Does she run to the door when you arrive home and call out to her or does she simply […]
E-Cigarettes and Cats
With the increasing popularity of electronic cigarettes, commonly called E-cigs, comes an increased risk of toxicity to cats whose owners use them. Marketed as smoke-free substitutes for traditional cigarettes, they’re shaped […]
Pussycats’ Pet Peeves
Fur-get kitties’ funny quirks! Pussycat parents may unwittingly be rubbing their own feline friends the wrong way. How? Consider the following: Taking them on car rides: As opposed to their canine […]
Cat Bites CAN Be Dangerous
When is a cat’s nip more than a nip? When it’s a bite, intentional or not. And bites to the hand can often be serious. Studies have shown that a shocking […]
Kitty’s Missing, Now What?
Sometimes, even the most closely watched cat can accidentally escape from the safest of homes. If this happens to your precious pet, the following suggestions should, hopefully, help return her […]
SOS! Kitty’s In A Tree
Imagine your cherished cat in a tree and you on the ground looking up! Who ya’ gonna call? The fire department? Not anymore. Most fire departments no longer rescue cats. Understandably, they’re […]