Easter’s in sight and spring has sprung

Don’t let the Easter Bunny forget about your fluffy feline when he comes a hopping down the bunny trail. Remember the kitties with a basket filled with goodies they will like.
For the container, use a plastic basket or bucket, a decorative box or container made with untreated wood. Some of the purchased Easter baskets may be treated with toxic chemicals or paint. Handling the basket may be okay, but if your pet likes to chew on these tempting baskets, he/she may end up with an upset stomach.
Fill the bottom of the container with crumpled tissue paper. My cats love to play with tissue paper, so they will consider this one of their gifts. Don’t use the colorful plastic grass that lines most Easter baskets. Cats love to play and eat this long stringy material and it can cause your cat serious problems. The material is not toxic but it does get tangled up in the stomach and bowels, which can result in internal damage that requires immediate surgery.
Add edible kitty treats to your basket. For fun you can package the treats or catnip in plastic Easter Eggs. Your cats will know the eggs hold something good and will bat them around until, at last, success! Throw in a few toys and you have a surprise that your pampered puma is sure to love.
Children love Easter
If you have a child, no doubt the Easter bunny will pay them a visit also. Be aware that Chocolate is toxic for all pets. Dogs have the highest risk of toxicity, but cats also experience serious symptoms after eating chocolate. Nausea and vomiting can be just the start of signs that your pet is in trouble, call your vet right away.
Nothing says spring like an Easter lily, but unfortunately, this beautiful plant is poisonous to pets. In fact all members of the lily family are poisonous to pets. All parts of the plant are toxic including pollen from the flower. If a cat ingests even a small amount while grooming, they can suffer from kidney failure. Make sure you put these heralds of spring out of reach from your dog and cat.
Easter is a wonderful time and spring is in the air. Remember that your curious kitten will be interested in everything you bring into your household, including lilies, Easter grass and chocolate. Keep your pets safe and enjoy the holiday.
Remember the less fortunate cats and dogs
While you are making a basket for your pets, why not throw a couple together for your local cat or dog rescue. These cats and dogs would love to have a few goodies while they are waiting to go to their forever homes. You can bring baskets for cats to the Furry Friends Adoption Center at PetSmart in Hazel Dell, 316 NE 78th St, Vancouver, WA 98665. Put a note on it that it is for Furry Friends and give it to one of the clerks. For other donations to Furry Friends please contact information@furryfriendswa.org or leave a message at (360) 993-1097 or visit the web site www.furryfriendswa.org.