Mark Levin’s new book ,The Liberty Amendments” lays out a strategy to restore the balance of power that was originally intended by the framers of our constitution. Levin, points out the abuses of power by presidents, congress and the supreme court that have led to the loss of freedom, out of control federal spending, and very strange interpretations of the constitution by the supreme court. A court, by the way, that doesn’t have legitimate power from the constitution but gained power by their own interpretations which stand at odds with the the role envisioned for them by the framers.
Levin lays out his case in chapter one of the book which is available for free on-line. In the subsequent chapters he suggests a variety of amendments that include, term limits, repeal of the 17th amendment, new rules for the supreme court which allow their decisions to be overruled by 3/5 votes of congress or the states plus 12 year term limits for justices. He also suggests amendments that would reign in federal spending and force congress to come up with a budget each year or face 5% cuts across the board. He resolves the problem of the ever growing federal government by requiring that all agencies be renewed every three years or else face automatic disseverment.
Of course, all of these amendments would require a constitutional convention which Levin explains can be controlled by the state legislatures as spelled out in the never used Article 5 of the constitution. Congress, the President, and even governors would be bypassed in this process because it states that the convention can be called by approval of 2/3 of the state legislatures. Levin contends that it would be necessary to bypass the federal government because those in power will never give it up willingly. Article 5 says:
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall
deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two
thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing
Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents
and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the
Legislatures of three fourths of the several States or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of
Ratification may be proposed by the Congress . . .
Many have fears about what could happen in a constitutional convention because they believe that one side or the other could totally rewrite our founding guidelines. Levin explains that 1) our constitution has already been rewritten by the supreme court to the point it wouldn’t be recognized by the framers and 2) No amendment could be enacted without being approved by 3/4 of the states. Levin says the following about the process:
I was originally skeptical of amending the Constitution by
the state convention process. I fretted it could turn into a runaway caucus. As an ardent defender of the Constitution who
reveres the brilliance of the Framers, I assumed this would play
disastrously into the hands of the Statists. However, today I am
a confident and enthusiastic advocate for the process. The text
of Article V makes clear that there is a serious check in place.
Whether the product of Congress or a convention, a proposed
amendment has no effect at all unless “ratified by the Legislatures
of three fourths of the several States or by Conventions in three
fourths thereof. . . .” This should extinguish anxiety that the state
convention process could hijack the Constitution.
Every poll that has been taken in the last several years shows that Americans disagree with the direction the country has been going. Although President Obama has put constitutional abuse on steroids, the problems didn’t start with him. Many are beginning to feel hopeless and see no way to stop our country from its headlong plunge towards oblivion. The Liberty Amendments don’t suggest changing the constitution, they suggest returning our country to the constitution as it was originally intended; limited government, freedom, and self determination with the least amount of government interference. These are the traits that made America the envy of the world. It’s ironic that those who fought for freedom in 1776 were called radicals and those who fight for freedom today are still called radicals.
I am one who has been downhearted about the polarization and disintegration of this once great country. In my entire life I have never envisioned the possibility that the United States could come apart but I can envision that possibility today. Why should people in states who pay their bills and have to balance their budgets become lifelong slaves to debt created by Washington DC politicians who give financial favors to maintain their power? The politicians have proven they won’t stop spending and abusing the trust that they have been given. It seems to me that the only hope is if ordinary Americans Rise Up and take the country back.
As a singer/songwriter I often express my feelings through songs that I write. A while back I wrote a song that expresses where we came from and what we need to do now. The name of that song is “Rise Up America.” I see a glimmer of hope in the ideas Levin expresses in The Liberty Amendments. When his book came out two weeks ago I put together a video with my song as the background music. If you are so moved you can see and hear it by clicking on the link below.