Has the Fair inspired your kid to join 4-H?

Oh, to be a kid again! If I were, I would be pestering my parents to let me join 4-H. Seeing all the kids at the Fair this week with their animals and projects and ribbons makes me wish I could go back in time and trade all those hours I spent with my new Atari game console for something much more productive.
If you have a child who is wanting to join in the 4-H fun, there is a fantastic website run through Washington State University. It has tons of information. Check it out here.
The Head, Heart, Hands, Health program is open to kids ages 5-19. The new year starts in October, so you have plenty of time to do some research and make a plan even before school starts.
One interesting thing I have learned by eavesdropping in the Llama Greenway is that you don’t need your own animal to be involved in that aspect of 4-H. There are actually generous people out there who are willing to let you borrow their animals for a 4-H project.
It’s really a win-win: you get to test drive your child’s interest and involvement in raising an animal without having to invest in an animal and a pen and all the accessories. Meanwhile, the animal’s owner gets to have their animal get some exercise and socialization and training.
If I had only known back in the ’70s…