2016 Fair Court Competition is today!

It’s the last day of the Fair. Boo!!!!! But there is always next year, right?
And in preparation for next year, tonight the next Clark County Fair Court will be chosen. All day today, six young women will be competing to see who will be the 2016 Queen and her two Princesses.
The public is invited and encouraged to watch the proceedings. I certainly recommend it; it’s become my Last Day of the Fair tradition to watch the speeches and the fashion show and the always-entertaining Q&A with the Fair’s Marketing Director, Matt.
There is also a horsemanship competition where the girls carry flags and do the blurry fast rodeo wave and try to calmly walk their horse past a huge golf umbrella on a parade route — all things to simulate what they will do while representing our beloved Fair for the next year.
The action will be on the Kids’ Park Family Fun Stage (behind the milkshake barn) and in the Horse Arena. According to the Fan Fair Daily Schedule, here are the times to note and places to be. Come cheer them on with me!
2:00-3:00pm Speeches, Modeling, Fun with Matt Stage behind Dairy Women Milkshake barn
5:30-7:00pm Riding Competition Horse arena
7:30pm Crowning of the 2016 Fair Court Stage behind Dairy Women Milkshake barn