Your tax dollars at work
This blog is often a bastion for little tidbits about the malapropisms and temper tantrums that come with covering local politics.
Not today for this reporter, who is back from a six day vacation that included palm trees. Even though she got flipped off on I-84 and sat through a bridge lift on her way in.
No. Today, I’m going to tell a simple tale of how citizens noted a problem and the city did something about it.
Just last Monday, residents of the Landover-Sharmel neighborhood told Councilor Pat Campbell that a dead end sign west of 124th on 21st Street was obscured by some trees that grew up after the sign was placed there.
Campbell sent it to Public Works Director Brian Carlson, who passed it on to crews. This Tuesday, a city employee wrote to say the sign had been relocated.
“Thanks again for bringing this to our attention and it is our pleasure to be able to make this happen,” Carlson wrote. “A big thanks to the men and women of City of Vancouver Public Works street crew!”
This kind of thing happens all the time, but it’s not exactly news, obviously. But government does get things done.
Here’s the entire email thread, and we will now return to our usual diet of snark:
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 10:38 AM
To: Carlson, Brian; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’
Cc: Buck, Tim; Fredin, Ron; Campbell, Pat; Holmes, Eric
Subject: RE: Dead End Sign – Landover-Sharmel Neighborhood – West of 124th on 21st Street
This has been completed.
—–Original Message—–
From: Carlson, Brian
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2011 1:07 PM
To: ‘’; ‘’; ‘’
Cc: Buck, Tim; Netherda, Dale; Fredin, Ron; Campbell, Pat; Holmes, Eric
Subject: RE: Dead End Sign – Landover-Sharmel Neighborhood – West of 124th on 21st Street
Just wanted to give you all an update. The sign should end up being re-located next week (99% probability). We are still waiting on some locates but after that we should be good to go.
Thanks again for bringing this to our attention and it is our pleasure to be able to make this happen. Hopefully the result will be less confused drivers. I know we won’t be able to clear up 100% of the confused folks, but at least we will have done our part!
A big thanks to the men and women of City of Vancouver Public Works street crew!
Everyone have a good weekend.
Brian K. Carlson, P.E.
Public Works Director
City of Vancouver
PO Box 1995
Vancouver WA 98668-1995
direct line: (360) 487-7131
reception: (360) 487-7130
fax: (360) 487-7139
—–Original Message—–
From: Carlson, Brian
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 1:24 PM
To: Buck, Tim; Netherda, Dale; Fredin, Ron
Subject: FW: Dead End Sign – Landover-Sharmel Neighborhood – West of 124th on 21st Street
Dale and/or Ron. Would you have someone take a look and please let me know?
—–Original Message—–
From: Carlson, Brian
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 1:22 PM
To: Campbell, Pat
Cc: Holmes, Eric;
Subject: RE: Dead End Sign – Landover-Sharmel Neighborhood – West of 124th on 21st Street
Hi Pat
We will take a look at it. I’m not aware of a reason offhand that it would not be able to be moved a little further to the east of its present location. Alternatively the trees might be able to be “limbed up” but not having seen it myself, I am assuming if it was that simple one of the neighbors would have already done that. We’ll take a look and let you know. If we can move it, it will likely be done as some fill in work so it could be as quick as a few days or a few weeks depending on availability in the schedule. We’ll also have a utility locate done prior to the move/dig (it’s the law), so when someone sees some paint markings on the ground out there that is what that is all about.
Brian K. Carlson, P.E.
Public Works Director
City of Vancouver
PO Box 1995
Vancouver WA 98668-1995
direct line: (360) 487-7131
reception: (360) 487-7130
fax: (360) 487-7139
—–Original Message—–
From: Campbell, Pat
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 10:57 AM
To: Carlson, Brian
Cc: Holmes, Eric;
Subject: Dead End Sign – Landover-Sharmel Neighborhood – West of 124th on 21st Street
I met with a citizen over the weekend who had some concerns that in part relate to this sign. The sign is obscured by two trees that grew after its original placement. If the sign could be pulled and replaced closers to the corner ahead of the trees less traffic would enter that area of the neighborhood making things safer.
I checked the sign and it doesn’t appear to have a concrete anchor. It likely will only need to be reset into a new hole with a bag of concrete added. I know your crews are extremely busy but folks would appreciate this being done or being allowed to do it themselves.
Pat Campbell