Your name, your whole name and nothing but your name

Folks making public comment before the Clark County commissioners now only need to state their name. The requirement to state an address is gone.

Commissioner Steve Stuart made the change at last Tuesday’s meeting. His reasoning for the change is that it’s kind of creepy to require folks to state where they live.

“What people have realized is there is a a harassment possible when people give their addresses,” Stuart said. “From now forward I am certainly not going to be asking people for the address, and in many ways it is inappropriate for us to be asking for information because we certainly don’t want to limit your ability to communicate with us. And we also don’t want to limit your freedom to communicate whatever you want to without feeling like you’re going to get reprisal.”

Since he is the chair of the board this year, Stuart can set a few rules for procedure. He already extended public comment time for each speaker from three minutes to five. He did say he may reduce that time accordingly if a massive turnout occurs at a meeting.

Still, commissioners David Madore and Tom Mielke have both been supportive of the changes.

Madore simply asked that if anyone wants to stay in touch, they leave a phone number or an email address.

Erik Hidle

Erik Hidle

Erik Hidle covers Clark County government for The Columbian. He can be followed on facebook at, on Twitter at @col_clarkgov or contacted by email at

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