What did I just see

I’ve sat through scores of public meetings in my young career, watching city councilors or port commissioners get yelled at by the public and occasionally bicker among themselves. Tuesday’s Clark County council meeting, the first I’ve sat through, was in a different league.
If there was supposed to be closure after the recall petition was dismissed, or calm after reading the Dean report, or a little decorum shown on Election Day, well I’ve got a better idea for you.
After a brief consent agenda and a few public comments, Councilor David Madore wanted to have a public hearing about the Dean report, because… Well it doesn’t matter, because it wasn’t going to go anywhere, as a majority of commissioners let him know.
Jeanne Stewart: “No, I don’t support what you’re asking to do. It is your attempt to embarrass and undermine the county manager.”
Julie Olson: “This is about embarrassing Mr. McCauley … The lies you put out on your social media page are despicable.”
Marc Boldt: “You have 100 percent outright lied to citizens on your Facebook. The things you said about the budget makes me sick.”
A cacophony erupted before the meeting was adjourned as Madore tried to say a few things “for the record” but was spoken over until he relented.
It seemed to me that two councilors were picking at a scab while the other three were trying to haul a bandage over the open sore caused by seven months of infighting and accusations and pretty much everything except business as usual. But maybe that’s just my take. I don’t go to every meeting, after all, nor, for the time, would I want to. There’s enough bad news in the world already.