We need to plan for the plan to implement the plan


“Dilbert” came to mind Wednesday during a county commissioner work session with the Development and Engineering Advisory Board, a group put together to give technical advice on the Retooling Our Code project.

(In guv-speak, that would be “the deeb has been working on the roc.”)

Anyway, the DEAB’s 2012 to-do list includes the comprehensive plan update. The state requires the county to have a comp plan and update it, which can include expanding urban growth boundaries and making zone changes.

Here’s what Jamie Howsley, chairman of the DEAB and attorney for the Building Industry Association of Clark County, proposed to Commissioners Marc Boldt, Tom Mielke and Steve Stuart: Don’t wait until the review begins to start discussions.

And then came this sentence: “Prepare a five-year strategic plan to implement the 20-year plan.”

Everyone at the table with Jamie nodded their heads in agreement.

If I ever find myself nodding along with them, I’m going to ask my editor if I can cover a different beat.

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