State of the speech


Is this a dance move? Leavitt delivers his 2011 State of the City speech

While it’s not nearly as long a wait or as hotly anticipated as the season premiere of Mad Men on March 25, we avid government watchers were wondering: What’s the deal with Mayor Tim Leavitt holding his State of the City speech on March 16?

But then we took a peek back in our files, and we realized Leavitt’s always been the one at the caboose of annual speech makings, holding his first two on March 4 and Feb. 23 respectively. (Clark County Commissioner Marc Boldt delivered his speech on Feb. 2 this year).

Leavitt said he has more important things on his plate than settling in to write a summary of 2011.

“Maybe I should just try putting it on Facebook,” he joked last week.

Since the speech likely clashes with the Oregon Legislature’s Columbia River Crossing oversight meeting in Portland, I’d be OK with that.

At any rate, “Pride, Progress and Possibilities” will be from 10:30 a.m. to noon at Kiggins Theatre downtown.

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