We recently revealed the entirely biohazard-esque state of Commissioner Steve Stuart’s coffee mug, which sports a logo from compadre Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt’s day job, PBS Engineering + Environmental.



Well, Leavitt thought so too, and has “obtained” a statement from Public Health condemning the mug and offering a new replacement.

He writes:

“By order of the Clark County Public Health Department your mug has been revoked.

It will be removed to a secure location, isolated, and put on public display as a demonstration of ‘What your coffee mug should not look like.’ Please accept this nice, new, clean mug as a replacement. Your coworkers and friends thank you for caring enough to use the newest and best!”


One problem: Stuart doesn’t want the mug. He argued that even though he doesn’t use “soap” to wash it, that’s OK since he doesn’t use dairy products in his coffee.

He called the mug “flavor country.”

“(Leavitt) should probably be saving” the new mug “for someone else he’s trying to woo,” he said.

Leavitt said that’s just fine.

“Maybe I should send a mug to David Madore?” the mayor said. “I wonder if he drinks coffee?”

Well, we’ve agreed on a new course, if Stuart’s going to be that way.

Winner of a caption contest gets the new mug. The meeting mavens, perhaps with help from Leavitt, will pick a winner.

This also gives us ANOTHER chance to run our favorite shot. Caption away!


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