It’s apology week!

Yesterday, we had Vancouver City Councilor Jeanne Harris asking for a public apology.

Today, Josephine Wentzel, no tolls activist and employee of David Madore, is giving one.

Only her faux pas happened almost five weeks ago.

Wentzel sent out an email to the C-Tran Board of Directors Wednesday saying she was sorry for yelling at all of them from the back of the room. (See our April story here. The incident is mentioned at the bottom).

“Although I did not agree with the way a certain board member singled out certain citizens, or the fact that citizens were denied a vote on light rail that night, I should have not have allowed my emotions to affect my judgment,” she wrote. “Again, please accept my sincere apology.”

Between this and yesterday, we’re declaring it Apology Week here on All Politics is Local. You got something you want to get off your chest? Any airing of grievances? Make it known in the comments below. Have at it, kids.

Here is the full text of Wentzel’s email.

“Dear C-Tran Board Members:

I am writing to apologize for speaking out of turn when I did at the April 12th 2011 C-Tran Board meeting (…)

Although I did not agree with the way a certain board member singled out certain citizens, or the fact that citizens were denied a vote on light rail that night, I should have not have allowed my emotions to affect my judgment. Again, please accept my sincere apology.

I will continue to stand up for what I believe is right.

May God guide your footsteps in the way each of you should go …


Josephine Wentzel”

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