The Clark County Republican party has been waging an internal battle against itself for several years now.

Recently, officials within the party created new battle wounds by refusing to endorse the re-election bids of Republicans U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutelr and state Sen. Ann Rivers. They took it a step further with Republican John Blom, who is running for the Clark County Council, and decided to oppose his candidacy.

A political action committee created in response to the current leadership of the Republican party, recently sent out a press release.

And guess what?

They are endorsing Herrera Beutler, Rivers and Blom.

The Republicans of Clark County PAC is made up of about 85 Republicans, according to Carolyn Crain, a precinct committee officer.

Crain said she would like people to know the Republicans of Clark County PAC “spends Republican donations to support Republican candidates, not to oppose them,” she said in an effort to distinguish the group from the county’s formal party.

“We’re sending a message to Republicans … that we support Republicans up and down the ballot.

We’re not picking or choosing our favorite Republicans,” Crain said.

The county party made the decision not to vote at a precinct committee meeting last month.

At the time, Crain said, “Republicans vote for Republicans, and we do not play these game. Who thehell are you voting for, then? Are you voting for (Democratic Congressional candidate) Jim Moeller? Are you voting for Democrats?”

The party nearly voted to oppose Rivers as well. She reportedly avoided it by one vote.

“It’s deeply disappointing that the leadership of the Clark County Republican Party is so out of step with the vast majority of Republican voters in Clark County,” she said in a statement at the time.

Lauren Dake

Lauren Dake covers politics for The Columbian. You can reach her at 360-735-4534 or Follow her on Twitter .

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