Councilman talks food carts, fireworks
Food carts and fireworks are not usually mentioned in the same breath, with good reason.
“Here’s your fireworks on a bun” doesn’t sound too appetizing.
But Battle Ground council member Paul Zandamela mentioned the two items together Tuesday night when explaining why he voted against an ordinance to allow for up to five food carts in the city.
He supports the city allowing an unlimited number of food carts.
Zandamela likened the food cart ordinance, which passed 5-2, to an earlier ordinance that would allow six fireworks stands.
Five of the stands are reserved for people who held permits last year. The permit for the last stand was awarded through a lottery March 16.
“We should not be in the business of preferential treatment,” he said of the fireworks ordinance.
Both ordinances limit the chances for city residents to own businesses, he said.
“Who are we to say who can be successful in America?” Zandamela asked.
Currently, there is one food cart, Holy Smoke … It’s Big B’s BBQ, operating in Battle Ground. The ordinance came after the city received 10 inquiries in the past year from potential vendors, officials said.