
A picture worth 800 trees

Following up on Tuesday's poetry reading during public comment at the Clark County Commissioners' meeting, I arrived at board time on Wednesday and someone handed me this photograph. All you need […]

Read the paper, Mr. Mayor

Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt and I shared what could be considered our own mini Katie Couric/Sarah Palin moment this week, when I asked him about whether he read The Columbian […]

Poetry for Pete’s sake

Hazel Dell residents Jack Davis, 78, and Jim Kinney, 61, have made their opposition to the Luke Jensen Sports Park quite clear. They’ve expressed it in a number of ways: […]

Poetry for Pete's sake

Hazel Dell residents Jack Davis, 78, and Jim Kinney, 61, have made their opposition to the Luke Jensen Sports Park quite clear. They’ve expressed it in a number of ways: […]

Age nothing but a number for Yacolt mayor

The late pop star Aaliyah once declared, "Age ain't nothing but a number." The phrase could have been penned to describe Yacolt Mayor James Weldon. The 81-year-old doesn't measure age […]

Hi mom! I'm on TV!

The Clark County Board of Commissioners and the Vancouver City Council met Monday to talk about several things, including fighting over biomass and about the upcoming renewal of Comcast's franchise […]

Hi mom! I’m on TV!

The Clark County Board of Commissioners and the Vancouver City Council met Monday to talk about several things, including fighting over biomass and about the upcoming renewal of Comcast's franchise […]

Does Clark County really need a trailer?

Clark County Commissioners awarded a $43,278 bid on Tuesday to Hurd's Custom Machinery of Harrisburg, Ore., for an "explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) trailer." Does Clark County really need a trailer? Yes, explained […]

Red light, green light

Tom Nosack is Vancouver's performance analyst -- the guy who keeps track of just how the bureaucracy is performing. You can see his recently updated snapshot of city performance here. Nosack […]

NY Times spotlights Herrera Beutler for trying to have it both ways

And now, the stellar Kathie Durbin, our political reporter, has a bit of news for the blogosphere: U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler got some ink in the New York Times this […]

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