Campbell: "I am not a transsexual"

It was so nice to see the Vancouver City Council lose it on the dais again — but this time with laughter.

All it took was a bit of personal anecdote from outgoing Councilor Pat Campbell.

During Monday’s council communications, Campbell recounted his last attempt to give blood, at an organization he said shall remain nameless.

The questions you have to answer before donating are getting a bit ridiculous, he said.

Not once, but twice, he was asked his gender. It was male the first time, and it didn’t change in the moments since he was first asked, Campbell said.

Then, during a round of computer-based questions, Campbell said he skipped the question: “Are you pregnant?” and a few others that applied to women only.

“The lady came back in and said you skipped this question,” he recounted. “I said ‘yeah – that’s for a woman.’ And she said, ‘You have to answer that yes or no.'”

“Why do I have to answer these questions for women?” he said he asked. “The woman replied, ‘You may be transgendered.'”

“I thought to myself maybe I am transgendered,” he continued. “But I’m 66 and-a-half years old, how would I get pregnant?”

They told Campbell he couldn’t give blood unless he answered yes or no, so he said he just left.

“If you want people to volunteer for things, can’t you treat them with a little respect and common sense?” he finished.

Snickers were heard. “We’re going to miss you Pat!” laughed Councilor Jeanne Harris.

Campbell said he didn’t mean to be funny, but that there were some funny aspects to what happened to him.

“I am not transsexual,” he said. “I was checked out pretty thoroughly in 1965 when I volunteered for the military and got my security clearance. Back in those days it wasn’t a hot topic.”

That’s when they all just lose it. You can see it on CVTV. Click on communications and go about 3:30 in.

“Oh, thank you Pat,” giggled Mayor Tim Leavitt, who had to pause before continuing the meeting.

“I don’t know how to follow that,” Councilor Larry Smith said.

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