Bringing home the bacon

Some jokes write themselves.


Now, we at APIL appreciate those sworn to serve and protect so we would never make any cracks about police officers and pigs.

Battle Ground City Councilor and firefighter Mike Ciraulo, however, was not so kind.

Ciraulo snapped the photo of this nice BGPD officer escorting the porker to safety. Mr. Pig was found roaming the area near West Main Street and Northwest 12th Avenue (near Fred Meyer) last week.

The longtime fireman then posted the photo to his Facebook page with this comment: “Looks like the cops have a new officer on duty….. Sometimes it’s just too easy to pick on them! :)”

Ciraulo assured his Facebook friends that he respects cops, but the two groups love to pick on each other.

That would explain why he said this when the mavens asked about the photo: “The PD was giving a walking tour of the city to their newest member.”

Bonnie Gilberti, city spokeswoman, said the pig was on the loose after jumping from a trailer. The driver didn’t notice the fleeing pig.

“It caused a lot of attention,” said Gilberti, adding that spectators (like Ciraulo) stopped to snap photos of the officer corralling the pig.

Gilberti said a deputy from the Clark County Sheriff’s Office who was “a little more countrified” came out to assist. Turns out, you can steer a pig by its tail.

The captured pig was later returned to its owner.

While this piggy tale came to an end, the teasing between firefighters and police officers doesn’t seem likely to cease.

Ciraulo claims there are no derogatory names for firefighters.

Maybe he’s right.

Maybe they are all wholesome, calendar-posing, wannabe models.

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