Berrigan turns petition over

Christian Berrigan’s efforts to overturn the Clark County Council’s rules of procedures are onto the next step: signature verification.
Last week I wrote about Berrigan, who protested the county council’s decision not to enforce Robert’s Rules of Order as part of its rules of procedure, attempting to collect enough signatures to overturn the county’s rules on how to conduct their meetings.
Elections Supervisor Cathie Garber said Berrigan turned over 223 petitions Thursday evening, enough to trigger the signature verification process. Under the Home Rule Charter, a referendum opposing an ordinance must be filed within ten days after the council approved the policy. Only 100 registered voters need to sign a referendum.
After those signatures are validated, the ordinance is temporarily suspended. Berrigan will have 120 days to collect 18,527 signatures, enough to equal 10 percent of the total votes cast in the county in the last gubernatorial election.
If he fails, the ordinance is reinstated. If he succeeds, the item will go on the 2017 general election ballot.
Garber said the elections office will likely have the signature verification process completed Friday or early next week.