Ask David Madore

Clark County Commissioner David Madore did something pretty awesome on his Facebook page on Sunday by opening up a free-for-all question and answer session.
And verily did folks provide the free-for-all.
It appears Madore did this to keep his other posts from getting derailed by off topic questions.
And Madore is currently doing a pretty good job of answering the questions coming in, even if some have nothing at all to do with his job as a county commissioner. Actually, he’s doing a pretty good job answering questions even if they aren’t based anywhere in reality.
Take a look at this answer:
Ah, chemtrails. One of the more tinfoily of tinfoil conspiracies.
His other answers currently relate to parks concessions (county business), the future of nanotechnology (not county business; grab bag topic!) and closed captioning options for government meetings (I’m going to say county business.)
He’s still answering questions right now. I’ll let you know if he addresses any further conspiracy theories.