Are you on the county's A-List?
Here’s a quick way to measure whether you matter in Clark County. Did you receive this April 26 invitation for a May 3 luncheon? Neither did we. The public announcement was made May 13 and negotiations are ongoing.
April 26, 2011
Dear Friends:
Please join me for a PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL VIP luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, May 3, at the Grant House, 1101 Officers Row, in Vancouver.
The purpose of this meeting is to brief you and obtain your advice and counsel on an opportunity to bring professional minor league baseball to Vancouver USA. As you know, the greater Portland-Vancouver metropolitan area has no professional baseball for the first time in more than a century as the Portland Beavers left for Tucson. This has presented an opportunity for Vancouver to step up to the plate and serve as host to a minor league baseball team.
Over the past several months, we have been studying possibilities and believe we have landed on an excellent solution that is good for Vancouver and Clark County, good for the region’s citizens, and good for a franchise of Minor League Baseball. In fact, we believe there is a decent chance we could be playing professional baseball in Vancouver by the summer of 2012.
Because this project is moving quickly, we are hopeful that you will be able to help the process by attending this briefing, sharing your expertise, and helping wherever you can.
Please RSVP your attendance (or regrets) to Ron Arp at 360.601.2991 or Lunch will be a Cobb salad with your choice of dressing. Please advise if you have special dietary considerations.
Thanks in advance for your attention to this promising opportunity and thank you for keeping this TOP SECRET until we are ready to make the announcement.
Arch Miller