Got questions for commissioners? You're in luck

Do you have any questions for county commissioners you want answered on camera?

Please send the questions to me.

After Marvin Case sold The Reflector and told CVTV he no longer wanted to host “Clark County Focus,” I agreed to take it over.

The 30-minute show is taped approximately once a month. The three Clark County commissioners take turns being the guest.

On July 25, I taped my first show with Commissioner Steve Stuart. You can access the link to the show here.

Since Stuart likes to talk, I thought we’d spend more time on the questions I wrote in advance. I didn’t write enough questions and had to just start asking them off the top of my head.

Watching the show, I see I need to ask more follow-up questions but I was too concentrated on not laughing, swearing or rolling my eyes (all part of a nervous reaction to being on camera) to really listen to his answers. I’ll get better about multitasking.

Next up will be Marc Boldt the minimalist. I’ll probably have to write 30 questions to fill the time.

I asked Stuart about topical issues I’ve been writing about and hearing about during work sessions, but as commissioners they are responsible for a wide range of services.

I can certainly come up enough questions, but I’d love to have a few questions for each commissioner that come from someone other than me. I think it would make the show more interesting.

After I interview Boldt, I’ll interview Tom Mielke. Then Stuart again. And so on.

If you think of any question you want asked, on any topic from animal control to zoning, let me know by emailing me at or calling me at 360-735-4508. You can also respond via Twitter or Facebook,

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