Oooh, look at the princess, the skeleton and the … biomass plant?

On Monday, after spending all day at work writing an update on the biomass saga, I went home to get ready for the trick-or-treaters. I’m not sure what I would have said had I opened my door to this costume:


The biomass plant (love the French flag, a reference to Schneider Electric’s parent company) did go to Clark County Commissioner Steve Stuart’s home in the Hough neighborhood.

“I was just trick-or-treated by my awesome neighbor who was wearing a homemade biomass power plant costume,” Stuart wrote on his Facebook page. “Didn’t get a pic, but I hope he’ll post one! Great work on the costume, on the cause, and the info he’s handing out. For more info, check FB for NoBiomassInVancouver or go to”

Fortunately, someone did take a photograph of the costume and e-mailed it to me. To be clear, however, Joe Cotton, 31, above, was not the one who went to Stuart’s home. Yes, that’s right, there were TWO biomass plants in the ‘hood. Cotton said today that he and Steve Valenta, 32, made the costumes together and it was Valenta who went to Stuart’s door.

The only thing that would have made this better? If the biomass plants had trick-or-treated at the homes of the two commissioners who voted in favor of the project, Marc Boldt and Tom Mielke.

Boldt lives in Hockinson, though, and Mielke lives near Battle Ground.

And I imagine it would be difficult, if not impossible, to drive in that costume.

Cotton said today that the commissioners will get to see the costumes. Both he and Valenta are among the plant protestors who plan to attend the Clark County commissioners’ meeting, 6 p.m. tonight at Battle Ground City Hall.

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